Billionaire Heiresses, Very Cautious Philanthropists

What would you do if your dad handed you a check for $5 million and told you to give it away to the charities of your choosing? (You'd probably buy a massive apartment and inform your dad that by investing in the New York's real estate market during these difficult economic times, you were actually performing an act of charity, wouldn't you?)
Last year, Michael Bloomberg turned over $5 million to The Bloomberg Sisters Foundation. So what did daughters Emma and Georgina do with the cash? As you can see for yourself below, not very much. The Bloomberg sisters parceled out $75,000 to a dozen charities and parked the remaining $4.925 million in the bank. (They're Bank of America customers, in case you're wondering.) No need to hold back, ladies. Go out and give it away. You don't need us to tell you this, but there's plenty more where that came from!