Ruth Madoff Remains Shunned, Despised

Ruth Madoff is the "most vilified spouse of a financial rogue in history," have you heard? The Times checked in on the "loneliest woman in New York" over the weekend and it seems little has changed for the wife of fraudster Bernie Madoff. She spends most of her time "confined" to her East 64th Street apartment, she no longer works out at the nearby Equinox, and she generally only steps foot outside to buy food or pay a visit her lawyer. And while several nearby businesses have instituted Madoff bans over the past few months—such as the Pierre Michel salon on East 57th Street where Ruth turned up faithfully every six weeks for "Soft Baby Blonde" highlights—at least one says it would be willing to allow her back inside: The general manager of the restaurant Sette Mezzo says he'd welcome her back if she comes up with the $160 she and her husband owe for a meal back in December. So that's good news, isn't it? [NYT]