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You probably assumed the job of Treasury Secretary came with half a dozen manservants. It doesn't, apparently. Tim Geithner was in New York City today to appear on a panel moderated by Time managing editor, Richard Stengel. Before the event kicked off, though, Geithner was spotted at the Starbucks downstairs. Buying his own coffee. Shocking, isn't it? Here's what went down, according to CNN's Donna Rosato:

At 8:30 a.m. Monday—a half hour before he was scheduled to speak at the Time Warner Economic Summit—Geithner pulled up in a dark blue SUV around the corner from the Time Warner Center in midtown Manhattan. From inside a Starbucks across the way, I watched Geithner pop out of the back seat and walk briskly across 60th Street into the Starbucks, followed by two men (presumably his security detail). The line was at least ten people deep. But Geithner stood by himself in the queue with everyone else and focused on his BlackBerry until it was his turn to order and pay. If anyone recognized the Treasury Secretary, they didn't make a fuss.

Now he just needs to convince Larry Summers to follow suit and the economy should be back on track in no time.

Geithner's Caffeine Fix [CNNMoney]