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How much does Mike Bloomberg pay his dog walker? This is the pertinent piece of information missing from today's Daily News profile of Eloise Cucui, the Hunter high school senior who walks Mayor Bloomberg's two golden Labrador retrievers, Bonnie and Clyde. (The News may also oversell her position a smidge, too, calling hers "one of the city's most important jobs.")

Cucui, who lives next door to Bloomberg's East 79th Street townhouse, has been walking the dogs for the past year, since they were six months, helping to train them and keeping them from having too many accidents in the Mayor's house (though they had some).

"I'm literally 'the girl next door.'" Cucui says. "He's known my parents before he was even mayor, and they know I'm interested in veterinarian medicine, so I was the perfect person." Cucui's father is the super for the building next to Bloomberg's. And the Mayor, in true dad fashion, often jokes with Cucui, who is going to Cornell in the fall, about "senioritis." Cute. But seriously, what does he pay her?

Meet the teen with one of the city's most important jobs [NYDN]