• Anderson Cooper's great-great-grandfather, Cornelius Vanderbilt, held as a slave cousin now owns the plantation where Michelle Obama's great-great-grandfather, Jim Robinson once worked. Cooper's cousin has invited Obama to visit her ancestor's grave. (CORRECTION: CNN said Obama's ancestor did not work for Vanderbilt. [R&M]
  • Apparently trusting her awful, awful romantic instincts, Jennifer Aniston decided to resume hooking up with John Mayer, on both coasts. And apparently in an airplane. [National Enquirer]
  • Following his instincts to sacrifice even a hot, gainfully-employed Italian boyfriend to his perpetual bonfire of narcissistic drama, Marc Jacobs ogled his rentboy ex Jason Preston, who has a new man. Or at least that what's the Post's tipster wants us to believe. [P6]
  • Eight months after rehab for, uh, depression, Kirsten Dunst was photographed trashed in a Los Angeles bar called the "Rubbish Bin." She should have asked Tom Arnold for a good sponsor when she had the chance! [Sun]
  • Lauren Bush, niece of George W., on Obama: "He seems like a strong leader." In W magazine, no less. [P6]
  • Tina Fey said she won't keep impersonating Sarah Palin if John McCain wins the election. In that case, "I'm done... And by 'I'm done' I mean I'm leaving Earth." [Daily News]
  • Gerard Depardieu's 37-year-old son died suddenly of pneumonia while filming a movie in Romania. [Mail]