The Secret Journoblogging Method

Look, there's an incredibly lengthy new seven-part survey of journalists who blog, exploring how blogs have affected their journalism, and how journalism has affected their blogs, and what they think about blogs and journalism and the effects that they have upon one another, and also upon the journalists who sit astride these two dynamic fields—blogging and journalism. We haven't read it yet, because we already know (from personal experience!) the five-part process that all blogging journalists use: 1. Look at a blog in your beat (Romenesko for media, Deadspin for sports, Andrew Sullivan for politics, etc.). Find something there that looks interesting. 2. Chew pen for a few minutes. 3. Rewrite the item you stole, taking a slightly different angle than the original blogger. 4. Send what you wrote back to the original blogger, in search of a link. 5. Celebrate newfound internet fame. [Optional sixth step: fill out lengthy survey. Pic via CJR.]