Transgendered Model and Jeffrey Epstein Masseuse Not as Insane as She Thought

Jeffrey Epstein: billionaire financer. Lover of erotic massages from teen girls. Inmate. But there's one less thing he has to worry about: a sexual assuault suit filed against him by transgendered model-wannabe Maximilia Cordero. The suit, filed seven years after the incident took place, has been dismissed. Cordero "claimed insanity to explain why she had engaged in sexual acts with Mr. Epstein following the alleged assault," which makes perfect sense, judging by the photo on the left. But! The lawsuit was thrown out on the basis that she was "not insane as she had claimed." Maybe just a little insane, then: her Myspace page once read, "Oh and I'm a junk head (pills , designer substances and my fav disel) What girl in this indistry [sic] isn't :)Just being honest:)" [Observer]