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Wondering what your fave fraudsters are up to? Yesterday, prosecutors announced that they planned to seek a 145-year jail sentence for Marc Dreier, the lawyer who ripped off various hedge funds and other investors out of $400 million. Dreier will find out how long he'll spend behind bars when he's sentenced on Monday, but in the meantime, there's a bit of Bernie Madoff news today, too.

His lawyer, Ira Sorkin, tells The Daily Beast that he will pay a visit to Madoff today to find out if the imprisoned fraudster has an interest in appealing his 150-year sentence. The two met on Monday and Madoff indicated he didn't want to even bother trying, since even if he managed to convince an appeals judge to cut the term in half—a highly improbable scenario, to be sure—he still wouldn't leave prison alive.

But Madoff is happy about about a few things, Sorkin reports. There's been closure, so he's pleased about that. And, says Sorkin, "The fact that there has been a resolution concerning his wife is of great satisfaction to him." If by "resolution" he means that Ruth will spend the rest of her life living in undisclosed locations and using fake names, well, then, sure. Consider it resolved!

Bernie: I Won't Appeal [TDB]