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Fashion publicist and social scenester Ali Wise was arrested earlier this week after she allegedly hacked into the computer of Nina Freudenberger. But other salacious details may soon come to light. "Wise's antics go beyond what's stated," an anonymous tipster tells us by email. "For that reason there's a restraining order in place against her now, effectual for 5 years. And there were multiple victims of her hacking hobby. A defamation suit is under way in addition to the felony charge of computer fraud she already faces. There are piles of irrefutable evidence against her." We have no idea if any of that is true, but it may be worth mentioning that Wise's ex-boyfriend, hotel owner Jason Pomeranc, was the victim of a hacking attempt himself last fall, as Cityfile first reported. The case is still open, though, and the identity of the person who managed to make off with some of Pomeranc's personal files has never been revealed. [Previously]