The Daily Show's Rob Corddry created a new web series for (it lives! Online! So there, The CW) called Children's Hospital. We find it hard to believe they're actually producing this thing, but we've been assured by reps from Warners' online arm Studio 2.0 that about a dozen episodes are on the way. Based on the trailer above—packed with an impressively pedigreed cast including The State's Ken Marino and David Wain, Jason Sudeikis, Ed Helms and Megan Mullally—this thing might actually be worth sneaking in before lunch while your boss isn't looking.After all, any project that manages to squeeze the two lines "50 kids! Badly injured! Broken bones! Some of them retarded, and they're coming here!" and a "I'm challenging you to a Healing Power of Laughter-Off" into one 90-second trailer is worth a shot. And premiering the show on the web provides the added benefit of giving representatives from the American Association of People with Disabilities no specific geographic location at which to stage their angry, R-word protests.