Google CFO hints at future: "Starve the losers"

Patrick Pichette had an easy time of things in his new job as Google's CFO with his first quarterly earnings announcement last week. Part of the surprise Google delivered for investors was an unusually tight grip on expenses. Googlers, now the fun really starts. In an interview with Canadian Business, Pichette hinted at what was to come. His first soundbite was forgiving: "Everybody is going to expect the occasional 'oops' at Google, because we’re fast prototyping, we’re always changing." Then he got real:One of his priorities, Pichette said, "is pushing to make sure all the resources are used efficiently, that you feed the winners, starve the losers." In the land of free food, some projects are going to go hungry. Hey there, Google Knol: It looks like you could stand to have a good meal.