Neal Boulton, the motorcyle ridin', guitar-playin' editor of gay magazine Genre, is expanding his unique... brand, with a website that's the " first and only pansexual sex & relationships site for ALL men." It's called BastardLife. "I can't believe how you guys make [Boulton] out to be some kind of American hero," a jilted lady-love of his once e-mailed us. Yeah, but how can we not? The dude once wrote us a letter asking us to please, please explain to girls everywhere that he's not hitting on them—just friendly! Anyway, the website launched over the weekend, and it asks the hard questions: "Who feels David Beckham would be a great lay?!"The site has ten posts so far—all uploaded by Boulton himself. "Not as good at this as you yet—but what the fuck. I have two generous investors thank god. Like John Lennon said, "I can't be what I am not," and THIS is what I am," he told us. THIS = the following subjects: strap-on sex (for straights!), erection tips n' tricks, hottie pinups (male and female), and advice on female orgasms from a lesbian. Thanks for that last one, Neal.