Rock Of Love A Real Hit With The Conservatives
Last week, I listed some of the most liberal and conservative television shows on the air, my criteria being, as always, completely unscientific. Well now those old TV gurus at Nielsen have actually compiled hard data showing the series most appealing to conservatives, liberals, and—like a great big dim blue glowing dream of America!—to both. Conservative shows? Hillbilly sitcom The Bill Engval Show and Brett Michaels hepatitispalooza Rock of Love. No surprise. Liberal shows? Bill O'Reilly mockery the Colbert Report, natch, and toe-sucking mess of a dating show I Love New York. Sigh. (Rock of Love vs. I Love New York... Could be a conservatives vs. liberals socioeconomic race relations term paper in there, kids!) The best news of all though? That The Hills is gloriously, like a dove holding a bejeweled olive branch in its perfectly toned beak, bipartisan. Take a look at the full chart after the jump.