What Should A Smart-Ass Be For Halloween?

So we all know that this Halloween there will be a million people dressed as Sarah Palin. These people are terrible and should be shunned. But some people will be a little more creative. Like maybe there will be some Levi Johnstons. Or Barney Frank! A "sad banker" or whatever is a bit generic, but why not Neel Kashkari? Take speed and go as Jim Cramer! Go as Nancy Pfotenhauer and declare your party to be outside of Real America. Or go as "the 'old' John McCain" and be really super honorable as you call your wife a cunt and befriend Charles Keating. We invite you to suggest, in the comments, your own news-based Halloween costumes that won't be terribly overplayed. We'll round 'em up and help you figure out how to put them together tomorrow.