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The High Line opened to the public a couple of months ago. And it's a delight, isn't it? Unfortunately, it appears the park is a little too delightful since four times as many people have been stopping to visit than Friends of the High Line originally anticipated. And now maintenance costs have gone through the roof, so the group is now looking to tax local residents to make up the difference.

Not surprisingly, residents of the area aren't too pleased with the proposal, which might have something to do with the fact they're the same people who had to put up with a few years of construction work while the High Line was renovated.

Friends of the High Line is hoping the tax could raise an additional $1 million a year to fund the park. But that's a drop in the bucket for Lisa Maria Falcone, who generously kicked in $10 million just a few days before the High Line was unveiled. Will Lisa—who was described by the Times last month as a "philanthropist with a sense of timing"—swoop in and save the day? Here's hoping!