Vibe is rising from the dead. A group of investors led by former cable exec Leo Hindery and its luxury magazine publisher Uptown Media have acquired the magazine. They plan to resurrect the website in a few weeks. [WSJ]
• Laura Ling is shopping a book proposal with her sister, Lisa Ling. [WSJ]
• Twitter was the victim of another denial-of-service attack yesterday. [NYT]
• Facebook is testing out something called "Facebook Lite," which may or may not be a Twitter competitor, depending whom you ask. [ABC News, Guardian]
• CBS had planned to change up this year's Emmy Awards. But then everyone complained, so now it plans to go back to the way it was. [THR]
• A launch party for a new magazine? Could it be? Really? [AdAge]

• MTV has greenlighted five new shows and renewed three others. [THR]
• Why did Paula Abdul part ways with American Idol? It was about money, as you already knew. And her departure followed months of bitter, behind-the-scenes drama, as you probably suspected as well. [NYT]
• A peek at Perez Hilton's new website, [Gawker]
• How's Fox Business doing? Not great. Despite everything that CNBC has been doing wrong, it still has 10 times as many viewers as Fox Business. [NYT]
• Disney plans to produce a new version of The Diary of Anne Frank. David Mamet has been attached to write and direct. Get pumped. [Variety]