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Perhaps you've been wondering where Tinsley Mortimer has been the last couple of months? The New York socialite has been spending a good deal of her time in Europe now that she's a soon-to-be divorcée and the new man in her life, Prince Casimir Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn (or "Cassie), lives in London. So how are things going with the 33-year-old "man-about-town" who is descended from German royals, even though he looks more like a Greek shipping heir, or maybe the spoiled son of a Eastern European tyrant? And what happened with her ex, Topper Mortimer? Luckily, the Tinz sat down with London's Evening Standard and shared a few details.

First of all, don't be fooled by the £1,705 Christian Dior dress she wore for the Evening Standard photo shoot. Getting adjusted to the London social scene has not been easy.

When she turned up with the prince to the Cartier Polo match a few weeks ago, "None of the assembled army of photographers had a clue who she was." It must have been the the plastic surgery. Because when one of the photographers asked her name and she told them who she was, "suddenly there was this wall of photographers."

The only problem with this is that Tinsley didn't realize in advance that she'd be mobbed, so didn't have a chance to prepare as she might have liked: "If I'd known there was going to be so much interest, I think I might have dressed differently for the polo."

No matter. The important thing is that she and her new man are "super-happy," she's thrilled to be spending so much time in London, and she has lots of exciting new projects in the works. Exciting indeed! Her ambition, we're told, "is to follow in the footsteps of Tamara Mellon, Tory Burch and Diane von Furstenberg," and "convert a social presence into a business empire." To that end, she recently lined up financing from a rich investor in Virginia to start her own clothing line. What will this collection be called? You'll have to guess. All we'll say is that it begins with a "T" and ends with a "Y" and it's breathtakingly original.

As for Topper, Tinz reports that she did as much as she could to save the marriage, but the split was unavoidable:

Topper was always really funny, and goofy, and confident. I always like confident men,' she says. 'Unfortunately, as we got older, we became stuck being the teenagers we were when we first met, and we never really matured together. I love Topper and we still try our best. I wanted our relationship to work out, but he's more like my brother.

Oh, dear. But let's not focus on the negative. Tinsley isn't! She's "trying to put her marriage behind her," and who wouldn't given she has a real, live prince under her thumb, one who spends his vacations at a 800-year-old castle on the Rhine, and comes from a family easily deceived by appearances. (Says the prince about their recent trip home: "My parents very much enjoyed her company and found her to be a decent girl with great values.")

And let's be honest. If she'd stayed with Topper, she would have never gotten a British paper to call her "America's answer to Princess Diana," would she?

So there's a happy ending here, right? Not quite. It seems the prince's shadowy business dealings take him all over the world. Including some places that girls like Tinsley rarely go, as the prince explains:

"I am now spending a lot of time in Baghdad for business as we are buying up land opportunities there. I am not sure Baghdad is really Tinsley's sort of town."

No, Baghdad is not exactly Tinsley territory. (At least not until they open up a Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton store there.) Here's hoping she takes a risk and makes the trip anyway. Given the U.S. has vowed to do whatever it takes to help rebuild the war-torn country, it's only right that we share with them one of our most precious assets.

When Tinsley Mortimer came to town [London Evening Standard]