After donating to the No on Prop 8 cause, noted movie star/activist/burger glamorizer Brad Pitt has thrown his political weight behind another disenfranchised California minority— tattooed members of the L.A. Fire Department:

BRAD PITT has reportedly written a stern letter to fire department bosses in Los Angeles, attacking a new rule forcing firefighters to cover up their tattoos. The Hollywood star claims the policy compromises the safety of firemen and women, and he's asking their bosses to drop reconsider

A source close to the tattooed actor tells Star magazine, "(He) thinks it's ridiculous that these guys who risk their lives to help people have these restrictions put upon them. "He wanted to make sure the department heads knew that the people of L.A. don't care about tattoos - they care about them doing their job well."

As you'll recall, Pitt underwent his own fair share of tattoo scrutiny earlier this year after he inked his back with a bizarre pattern later proven to be the murderously difficult first level of Donkey Kong. We applaud Pitt for getting involved with the LAFD's cause — God knows that all those unnecessary layers of tattoo-concealing clothes could interfere with firefighters' most important societal duty: posing for cheesy beefcake calendars.