Still find yourself at a loss for a Halloween costume? Defamer is here to help. Sure, you could be a Texas Polygamist Bride, a Joe the Plumber, or a Sarah Palin, of which we saw several each on Saturday night. But what about something a little off the beaten path? A little...dare we say...Defamer? We'll be sprinkling a few ideas into the mix over the coming days. Every time, we'll arrange the various, fairly easy-to-find components above. Then mosey beneath the jump to find out what the sum of your costume parts will produce!

You and a friend are Steven Spielberg and George Lucas on the set of Raiders of the Lost Ark! If you can rustle up a third, dress him up as Indiana Jones, put a red mark on the seat of his pants, and mime raping him all night. Voila! You're a South Park episode.