Winding Back The Clock to '03

Perhaps you were under the impression that Marquee, the Chelsea club owned by Noah Tepperberg and Jason Strauss—and now in its sixth year— had seen better days? Maybe you were thinking A-listers had moved on to Strauss and Tepperberg's new venue, Avenue? Apparently not:
Marquee, their oldest club baby that opened in New York City in 2003, is certainly one of their most celebrated venues, with A-list celebrities waltzing through the notoriously guarded velvet ropes on a weekly basis. The fact that Marquee is in its sixth year of life and is just as frequented and written about today as it was in its infancy is a remarkable feat. "It takes a lot of work to keep it fresh and as popular as it was when it first opened," Tepperberg explains.
Be sure to check out the next issue of Haute Living to learn about how West 27th Street between Tenth and Eleventh Avenues has suddenly become the hottest block in Manhattan!