What to do if you have a magazine assignment, but the mag folds days before you're scheduled to leave for freaking Alaska? If the trip's already paid for, you go anyway and hope to shop the resulting piece to another publication. That was the case with Jessica Pilot (of the infamous "Hipster Hooker" story) and Radar. "It was purchased on [editor] Maer [Roshan's] card, so I guess I'm good to go," she told us.First order of business in Wasilla: a good old-fashioned house party.

"There is a senior from Wasilla High that was going to drive me from the airport in Anchorage to my hotel, and then I am invited to an "official house party," as he put it... First night—-2:00AM... a house party in Wasilla thrown by frienemies of Bristol..."

Next item: boyfriends! "I'm interviewing Sarah P's old high school friends, one who might have been her "first" boyfriend." Other dirt she's dug up so far: no one in Wasilla will be dressing up as Sarah Palin for Halloween. "It would be like dressing like your next door neighbor," a Wasilla High School sophomore named Kayla told her. Question is, will any magazines have "PALIN FEVER" after the election?