Isobella Jade's Ass Soldiers Through The Recession

Elite media types and financiers aren't the only ones suffering during this economic downturn, you know. Models are suffering too! And who better to shine a light on the travails of modeling these days than Isobella Jade, the short, self-made woman who rose from homelessness to microniche prominence by writing her memoir in the Apple store and then triumphantly eating a burger. Remember her? Yea! She's still a hardworking self-promoter, so we checked in and got her take on the crucial question, "How Does the Economy affect a Body Parts Model?":
I will tell you that posing topless for Time Magazine will get you about $300 and leg modeling for Victoria 's Secret will get you $1000 and going nude in front of a live audience on The Stacy London show will get you about $300, going fully nude for Braun Razor will bring in $800. And yes I feel the economy does affect the amount of money brands and magazines might put into editorials and ads. But stock photography isn’t the same quality so I think the phone might not be ringing as much, but the brands that do advertise and show they still exist; they will be the ones that succeed during this pressured time. Same with models. Will I go topless for $150 dollars verse $300? Well for the right editorial and ad campaign, yes. I gotta eat too. I used to get pedicures and manicures weekly, sometimes twice a week, but I am giving myself home-made treatments instead lately. I use LUSH’s Lemony Flutter on my hands, toes and nipples. It seems to be doing the job pretty well.
She adds:
Please be clear in your mind. "Yeah I have a great ass, but it is all about the way you use it as a model." My current goal is to be the "ass" of an underwear ad campaign, maybe Hanes, or Frederick's would be cool"
Dreams can come true, people! Another effective tactic: sending nude photos to bloggers.