'Post-Radio, Post-TV' 'Big Boy' Luke Russert Is Ready To Accept Your Potshots

Luke Russert, son of the late Meet the Press moderator Tim, is now working as a correspondent for NBC News, attending political conventions and reporting and stuff. So, I guess, he's sorta famous now. Really, though, he's been in the public eye for like three years. And we helped put him there by posting his 'babes in a jacuzzi' Facebook profile picture. Haha, oops! Well he recently was interviewed by MediaBistro, and, when asked, had this to say of Gawker and the hottubbery:
In 2005, when Gawker did that, I don't necessarily think it was fair, because I wasn't involved in any sort of public media. I was just "son of, going to college." And they've done other things where they've taken pictures of Caroline Kennedy's daughter having a glass of wine in high school and putting that out there, and we remember the stuff with Judge Alito's son and sort of tearing down the kids of celebrities, and I don't like that. Now, you know, post-radio, post-TV, I'm totally willing to accept them writing anything and them saying anything, because I'm a public figure, I've put myself in that position and I chose to live that life. If I didn't want it, I could be in a log cabin right now, blogging. But I chose to put myself out there, so by all means. If they feel inclined to take shots, I can accept them. I'm a big boy. If you spend your time reading sites like Gawker, and Jossip, and letting them get to you, you're not going to go very far in this business.
Well, good we're glad. Very mature. And, no, he may not be in a log cabin like the rest of us festering shut-in internet 'writers,' but he is blogging!