Jobless Single People Can Now Blog For Tyra Banks For Free

As every magazine known to man begins to die, you, dear writers, may soon find yourselves without employ. Well you're in luck because that glowing thing that makes the word typies actually, with the help of your phone line, hosts a whole series of online "publications." Like this website or the new and improved Radar or! The website for crazy former supermodel Tyra Banks' talk show! Yes indeed, they are looking for both woman and man bloggers to "blog about their ideals" (curse you, candy commercial) and talk about dating and stuff. So not only do you get to work for a megalomaniac like Banks, but you also get to do it for free. But the really sad thing about this? A tipster tells us the listing was posted on a J-School jobs board. :( Read the posting after the jump, then apply!!
The Tyra Banks Show in NYC is looking for freelance writers. The website for our show basically operates as an online magazine and a popular segment is "Single & Fierce". Currently we are looking for both single men & women to blog about their experiences in the dating scene. The tone will range from comedic misadventures to sweet, romantic, "oh they've fallen in love!" We would unfortunately not be able to offer any pay, but the writers would be able to blog from home and get some good clips on a reputable name. [Ed. note: That sentence is sadder than all of 'Life Is Beautiful'] Single & Fierce: Ladies is looking for five, fabulous ladies to write for our dating column. Single & Fierce is an interactive blog written by a group of single women in cities across the country. These fun, intelligent, sexy ladies are going to put themselves out there, cruising every man hangout we can think of, hitting up dating events and sharing the details of their personal lives as a single woman looking for a good guy. Each week, these women will dish all about the single life — dates they've been on, issues with an ex and everything in between! If you're a single and fierce lady who has dating stories that your friends crave — and you're ready share them with a whole new audience — we want to get to know you. Single & Fierce: Men is looking for a few good men to give us the scoop on dating from a man's point of view. Each week, you'll give us insight into the mysterious minds of men as you answer dating/love/relationship/sex questions submitted by our viewers. Girls are always dying to know what guys are really thinking — this is your chance to let us know! We want you to give women straight answers from your point of view. [Ed. note: Aren't the only men who would apply to this homosexuals?] To Apply: Send a note explaining why you're perfect for this position, a resume and applicable writing samples to Christina Belloise, Web Writer, at You'll write one post a week for, which receives millions of hits each week! Men: be sure to let us know if you're the nice guy, the bad boy or a big-time flirt. We're looking for different perspectives and want to get to know you.