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The world's most unfortunate husband, Ron Weinstein, has a few thoughts on the book his wife Sheryl decided to write about having an affair with Bernie Madoff. Yes, he says, he tried to talk his wife out of writing it. And yes, detailing Bernie's penile dimensions "was trashy." But "affairs are commonplace," he says, and really "shouldn't be such a big deal," although in this case he concedes it's a bit complicated since the man she happened to have an affair with is also "the biggest crook in the world" and stole all of Weinstein's money.

As for whether Weinstein will ever be able to forgive her for cheating on him, lying about the affair for years, and then writing a book about it—thus exposing the family to shame and humiliation that he'll remember every day for the rest of his life—well, that's hard to say:

"ll wait a few months, let my emotions calm down and then I'll see if I can forgive. Having an affair is not the end of the world, but writing a book and telling everybody about it is unacceptable."

Not that he won't get a consolation prize regardless of whether he manages to piece together the marriage. "Half of the profits are mine," he points out.

Bernie Made Off With My Wife [The Daily Beast]