The Supreme Court hearing on "fuck" and "shit" on TV is getting to the good part: the part where all the lawyers will have to use said swears over and over in the august chambers to make their points. It's going to sound like a bunch of goddamned longshoremen or hard-boiled crime reporters up in there—only uttered by white-shoe barristers whose education costs are triple your net worth. "If [Chief Justice] Roberts allows it, such a display of blue language will be heard on TV and radio—in the middle part of the day—across America, and may be read the next morning in many newspapers," says the SCOTUS lawblog. WTF?Justice Roberts is undecided on whether or not he should even allow the lawyers to use the words—and if so, whether to allow the argument's audio to be played on C-SPAN. For hilarity's sake, we think he should. Then there's the issue of how the print media will handle it—would a "family paper" like the New York Times, for example, use the word "shit" to accurately quote the proceedings? (According to past practice, they would not.) [SCOTUSblog]