Now that teenage girls have finally gotten over their fear of Twilight star Robert Pattinson's chest hair, they can go back to their regularly scheduled, quavery anticipation for the vampire-in-love drama, which comes out in just a few weeks. How intense is the want-to-see factor for the film? For a primer, just check out this excerpt of footage that just leaked from the Rome Film Festival, where the dialogue is no match for the Beatles-worthy shrieking from the audience that greets every single moment. Summit Entertainment's logo? "AHHHHH!" The first glimpse of Pattinson? "AHHHHH!" The arrival of a female supporting player who's maybe tenth-billed, at best? Screams, fainting, and revivals that can only be successfully administered by the Pope himself. We'd pegged this movie as The Dark Knight for girls, but even Bat-mania was never this loud. Clip above (be sure to turn down your volume). [Twilight]