· It's The Office Joker-off! Creed wins. Shivverrrrr... · We mentioned the Today Show's fairytale costumes this morning, but you really need to watch the whole Matthew Broderick-narrated introduction (a marketing tie-in for The Tale Of Despereaux) to appreciate how exquisitely awkward and unsettling the whole thing was. Stick around for Kathy Lee's diva-fit over being forced into a fur suit to play the Wolf. (We think that's a fur suit.) Then click here to see a dog hungrily investigate Al Roker's blue crotch button. · The Sword celebrates the guy-in-a-bear-suit-blowing-a-guy-in-a-tux scene from The Shining (or as they call it around Defamer HQ, Tuesday), and nine other "homo-oriented horror flicks." · Somehow this costume ended up on a list of Worst Halloween Costumes Ever. Perhaps this list was compiled in Bizarro World, where the "worst" is actually totally kick-ass. You want bad? We'll give you bad. (Though an A for execution.) · OK, this isn't Halloweenish, per se, but here's the cover and song listing of Britney Spears's new album, Circus. Pay special attention to track #9, "Mmm Papi." We smell a hit.