Paterson Rebounds—Sort Of

Gov. David Paterson wasn't in a good mood yesterday. Still on the defensive following the revelation over the weekend that President Obama has been quietly (or not-so-quietly) urging him to abandon his 2010 gubernatorial campaign, the governor had to come face to face with the president when Obama stopped off in Albany yesterday to give a speech. (And had to suffer the embarrassment of having the president turn his back to the cameras, "as if to avoid the taking of images that would show the two men in a warm embrace.") But what a difference a day makes!
Today, in a decision described as "stunning" by no less than two newspapers, New York's highest court rejected the rulings of two lower courts and upheld Paterson's appointment of Richard Ravitch, the former head of the MTA, as his lieutenant governor. And that's not all! Bill Clinton appeared on the Today show this morning, and while he acknowledged that Paterson is "not in good shape now" politically, he also added that he thinks Paterson is "a good man." Such effusive praise! Things really are turning around, aren't they? Or perhaps they're not. New poll numbers released today indicate just 29 percent of New Yorkers have a favorable opinion of Paterson, down from 32 percent last month.
In 4-3 Vote, Court Says Paterson Can Appoint Lieutenant Governor [NYT]
Bill Clinton calls Paterson 'a good man' [AP]
Siena Poll Not Encouraging For Paterson Or Giuliani [NYDN]