Libya 1, Donald Trump 0

"Donald Trump may have inadvertently rented property in a ritzy New York suburb to loathed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who has spent weeks trying to find a place to pitch his trademark tent while in town for the United Nations General Assembly meeting," ABC News now reports, confirming a previous account that the Libyan leader was planning to spend the week in Bedford. Team Trump claims it rented the property to a bunch of Middle Eastern dudes, but had no idea they had any connection to the Libyan leader. Says a Trump rep: "We have business partners and associates all over the world. The property was leased on a short-term basis to Middle Eastern partners who may or may not have a relationship to Mr. Gaddafi. We are looking into the matter now." Meanwhile, work constructing the tent has been halted by town officials. That's what they're hoping anyway: "Attorney Joel Sachs said officials found workers constructing the tent but could not communicate with them because they didn't speak English. He said they gave the order to stop the work to the property's caretaker." [ABC News, HuffPo]