From the moment we heard those first three words — Fox, News, and Channel — you felt like there should be just one more word after that: University. Yes, Roger Ailes' venerable cable institution has begun training young Shepard Smiths and molding cheaper, less Jewish versions of Bill Kristol to endure the tough times ahead. There's no better time to "educate" the next generation of young people who can't read or write than at FNCU. Apply today!Intern duty usually includes penning hit pieces against Hamas and the bonuses are huge:

I knew from the first day in the bureau that I was in the right place. I even got my own desk and my own email address! (To be “fair and balanced”, all interns get an email address and some get their own desk, but I was very excited to get mine.) Most of the reporters and all of the field producers are in this office.

Don't believe that clearly insane intern? Try the testimony of intern Victoria Lee, who simply adores the Fox culture:

I must admit that the FOX culture is addictive. It seems as though HR has specific hiring qualifications: must have sense of humor, must love life, must be extremely friendly. I get up at 5:30 every morning to get to work, and I’m honestly thrilled to climb out of bed when it’s still dark and I just closed my eyes two hours before. (… not sarcasm.) It’s truly a priceless experience to feel as though I’m filling in for someone who is on an extended vacation. That’s got to be the best part: actually seeing legitimate projects through and being able to call them your own. (Showing off to family and friends isn’t so bad either.)

To think we had to live until this moment to find a family proud of their daughter's time at Fox News. With conservatives already fretting about how to fortify their appeal to the young, it's good that FNCU will be there every step of the way. The Diploma You Receive Will Self-Destruct In Five Seconds [Fox News Channel University]