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Donald Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet since the news broke last week that he accidentally rented the mansion he owns in Bedford to Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy. (Sometimes bad press is just bad press, even for a craven attention addict like Donald Trump.) But America's biggest loudmouth is now speaking up about what went down and he's doing pretty much what you'd expect him to do in a case like this: He's trying to make it seem like it was all for the best.

How's he doing that? He's suggesting the avalanche of media coverage last week ultimately benefited him because it focused attention on the fact he owns the property. You know, just in case you weren't aware that Trump happens to own a bit of real estate in the area.

"It's the best piece of property in New York," he tells the Wall Street Journal. "Most people never even knew I owned it and now they do."

You bet we do! But we have to admit we're a little disappointed by Trump's lame attempt at spin here. What he should have said was that he rented the place to the Libyan leader on purpose—and at no charge—as part of a top-secret deal he'd negotiated in which Khadafy would hand over the Lockerbie bomber to U.S. as well as agree to comply with outstanding UN resolutions concerning nuclear arms and human rights. He could have turned the whole thing into a daring diplomatic maneuver and the opening gambit in a 2012 presidential run!

But let's all be thankful that he didn't think of that.

Trump Sees Silver Lining in Gadhafi's Tent [WSJ]