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Were you waiting to hear that David Paterson has decided to drop out of the race for governor in 2010? That hasn't happened yet, but he has come to a decision on another matter of great political import. The governor declared yesterday that he wholeheartedly endorses the selection of Jay-Z as MTV's "Hottest MC" for 2009:

Jay-Z is not only an outstanding hip-hop artist, but a dedicated philanthropist as well. Having just attended his September 11th benefit concert in Madison Square Garden a few weeks ago, I can personally attest to his commitment to New York and the impact he has on New Yorkers of all ages. He is most definitely deserving of the top MC of 2009 title.

Too bad he didn't ask the "dedicated philanthropist" to extend the state a small loan? If he had, he could have totally avoided having to deliver this bit of bad news today.

Jay-Z 'Deserving' Of Hottest MC Title, David Paterson Says [MTV]
Paterson Orders More Cuts to Brake Growing Deficit [NYT]