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An relatively unnoticed supporting player at the trial of Anthony Marshall was A.G. Sulzberger, the great-grandson of Metropolitan Museum trustee and New York Times chairman Arthur Hays Sulzberger, grandson of Arthur Ochs "Punch" Sulzberger, the longtime chairman of both the Times and the museum, and son of Arthur Ochs "Pinch" Sulzberger, Jr., who now runs the paper.

Young Sulzberger, who joined the Times as a reporter last year, occasionally covered the trial and today filed a sidebar to the newspaper's verdict coverage about who will finally get bequests from the late philanthropist Brooke Astor's estate, wondering if the Metropolitan "will lose millions of dollars." Freedom of the press, as they say, belongs to those, like the Sulzbergers, who own them. But considering the family's involvement with the museum, is it a conflict of interest for a Sulzberger scion to be covering the case at all, let alone focusing on whether his family's favorite cause will get only $5 million or $15 million more from the Vincent Astor inheritance?

Sounds like a question for Times ombudsman Clark Hoyt.

Despite Verdict, Fate of Astor Fortune Is Uncertain [NYT]
Previously: Astor Trial Goes Low-Glam [Cityfile]