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President Obama endorsed Bill Thompson in the race for mayor today. But he managed to do so without uttering the words himself (Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs delivered the news) and without referring to Thompson by name (Gibbs described as the "Democratic nominee"). And then he followed up by complimenting Mayor Bloomberg, just to hedge a bit more:

The president is the leader of the Democratic Party and, as that, would support the Democratic nominee... The president obviously has had a chance to, throughout campaigning and his time both as a candidate and as a president, to meet, know and work with Mayor Bloomberg and obviously has a tremendous amount of respect for what he's done as well.

The noticeable lack of enthusiasm didn't stop Thompson from immediately touting the endorsement while also working in the other big Obama news today:

"I am grateful and encouraged to receive the support of the President of the United States, especially on the day that Barack Obama is named a Nobel Prize Winner," Thompson said in a statement released less than half and hour after Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs' daily press briefing ended.

Thompson Touts Endorsement By Nobel Prize-Winning Prez [NYDN]
Obama Spokesman: The President 'Supports The Democratic Nominee [NYDN]