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You know that Mike Bloomberg is running for a third term next month, of course. And you may even be familiar with the Democrat running against him, Bill Thompson. (If you haven't had a chance to familiarize yourself with Thompson's platform, you can watch him go up against Bloomberg in a debate this evening.) But are you familiar with the seven other people who will be on the ballot this November?

In no particular order, freelance writer/editor (who also designs suits); architect (and part-time comedian); sewing machine operator (who is an avowed Marxist); postman/karate champion; mother and student at Lehman College, pastor and—last but not least—Reverend Billy, the pastor of the Church of Life After Shopping, who a reader spotted preaching on a subway platform yesterday: "There were like ten people gathered. I guess he doesn't stand much of a chance?"

No, he doesn't. But he goes get a gold star for livening things up a bit, doesn't he?

Seven Others Striving to Win the Mayor's Job [NYT]