Burnout: it happens to the best (and the worst!) of bloggers. Everyone's susceptible—even professional unpaid societyblogger-heiresses like Fifth Avenue Misfit Emily Brill. Her blog was down for like, days! (Everyone has those George Constanza moments where they storm out of work in a huff, only to return the next day pretending like they didn't quit.) We eulogized her and asked her to come back over the weekend, but only for our own snarky, selfish purposes. Now, the Brill is back, bitches ("I took things down for a bit of the timeout"), and she's ready to continue serving as our Ultimate Narrator:

Hey New Yorkers, Confession: I took things down for a bit of a timeout but Happy Election Eve and let’s rock. It’s been about a year since I lost all that weight that made me feel like an outsider –and gone from outsider to insider. But make no mistake: I always want to bring an outsider (or at least an original and unconventional) perspective with me wherever I go. And it is, and always will be, a presence in my ‘narratives.’ ... I will not post for the sake of posting anymore. I’ve peeled back the curtain as I’ve now for the first time actually gone behind the curtain. But I don’t want this blog to become simply a travelogue or series of random thoughts - sharing for the sake of sharing.

Well, blogging is all about sharing for the sake of sharing—or sharing for the sake of generating revenue and charging higher ad prices! But whatever. Just keep bringing us content—goofy pics of society plagues like Liam McMullan and Kristian Laliberte—and we'll be happy. (We hope Brill doesn't discover the real cure for blogger burnout—benzos and alcohol.) [Essentially Emily]