There comes a point in every cable network exec's career when they stare long and hard into a bathroom mirror, and ask, "I've already greenlit a show called Hurl! that pits players against each other in a battle to retain the contents of their stomach. Where is there left to go from here?" Well, if you happen to work at G4, the answer lies outside the box—or the home, car, hotel room, airplane fuselage, or any structure brothers Craig and Paul Pumphrey are willing to destroy using nothing but their own bodies. We'll let the Human Wrecking Balls press release take over as we gingerly step out of the way:

The Pumphreys are far from your average brothers; for starters their combined weight is 550 pounds. Craig is a decorated police officer and world champion mixed martial artist. He recognized his gift of surviving hard crashes at a young age after falling 20 feet onto a steel construction bolt that shattered his skull. Craig was told he would never walk again but through unwavering determination he was back in action just a short time later. Older brother Paul has twice been crowned World Creative Breaking Champion, once after breaking through six feet of ice. Craig and Paul are strategic in their approach to dismantling. For each challenge, they join forces with a team of experts in material science and engineering to review the object of their destruction from every possible angle before taking it apart, using physics and know-how to determine the most effective strategy.

Having difficulty picturing what, exactly, that might wind up looking like? Then watch the video above, showcasing the bone-crunching balletics of skull-fracture survivor Craig and his top-ranking Breaking Stuff with Your Head champion brother, Paul. We're quite confident that Human Wrecking Balls will be the greatest documentary about two guys running at top-speed into drywall the world has ever seen. (And we're not just saying that to see it used in future publicity materials.)