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Bill Thompson now trails Mayor Bloomberg by 16 percentage points in the polls, which is a bit of a setback for Thompson since he'd narrowed the lead to 9 percentage points back in September. But shouldn't Bloomberg's lead be bigger right now, especially given how much cash he's spent on his wildly overpriced campaign?

Per the Times:

The bad news for Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is that he has barely budged in the polls, despite spending $65 million of his own fortune on his bid for a third term."

He probably could have more to show for his $65 million. But it may not really be "bad news." To put it all into perspective, it would be like discovering that $25,000 had magically appeared in your checking account, but that the bank had decided to deduct a $100 fee for some reason. (And banks do have plenty of reasons to charge those fees, don't they?)

Sure, you might be a wee bit annoyed about the missing $100. But you'd still have $24,900 left and your annoyance would probably last for, oh, about a minute. Yea, well, it's exactly like that.

Bloomberg Lead Over Thompson Grows, Poll Shows [NYT]