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According to today's Times, mayoral candidate Bill Thompson is "starved for publicity." We have a feeling that the article in which that tidbit appears wasn't the sort of publicity he had in mind, unfortunately:

The Democratic candidate for mayor, William C. Thompson Jr., is chronically late to campaign events, at times failing to show up at all. His press releases misspell words, even getting his own name wrong...

... The campaign's official e-mail messages to the news media contain easily corrected spelling errors. The headline in one message denounced Mr. Bloomberg's "hypocricy." Another declared that Mr. Thompson is "gainning" in the polls. A recent press release promoting a rally in front of Mr. Bloomberg's campaign headquarters directed reporters to the wrong side of Manhattan. A statement blasting the mayor spelled Mr. Thompson's name "Thomson."

Oh, dear. Now that he's totally lost the spelling stickler demographic, he really has no chance of winning, does he?

Bloomberg Foe’s Campaign Shows Lax Management [NYT]