While doing interviews before the new 90210 premiered, star Jennie Garth always seemed to imply that she wanted to call her old co-stars, really she did, but something always got in the way! When Tori Spelling was axed over salary disputes, a stumped Garth attempted to get in contact with her solely through the pages of Entertainment Weekly, and when Shannen Doherty was added to the recurring cast, Garth asked for her number and then stared at her phone as if willing it to rise into the air, dialing on its own. Now, Garth tells OK! that her selective telephonophobia continues to this day:

When it comes to her role on the new 90210, Jennie says she keeps in touch with former nemesis Shannen Doherty even when they're not working together on the show. "I tried to text her yesterday and I couldn't find her number!" she tells OK!. "I had it in my phone and I couldn't figure out where it went."

Eventually, husband Peter Facinelli told Garth that scrawling a phone number on the back of the phone with a periwinkle crayon is perhaps not the most secure method for retaining a contact (even less so when the number is mistakenly filed under, "HellBitch, Shannen"). Don't worry, Jennie — you'll lick this problem yet!