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You knew that Mike Bloomberg went to extraordinary lengths to get himself elected to a third term, spending close to $100 million to blanket the local airwaves with commercials and stick flyers in the mailbox of every New Yorker. It turns out his campaigning extended far, far beyond New York as well:

A city resident working in Africa told The Post she was startled to find a letter from the Bloomberg campaign in her mailbox the other day.

"It said thanks for picking up an absentee ballot," recalled the woman.

The letter, mailed before Election Day, concluded, "Regardless of whom you vote for, thank you for voting and thank you for taking an active role in our city."

Yes, it seems the mayor sent out letters to every single one of the 30,000 people voting via absentee ballot—no matter where in the world they happened to be. But at least this explains why Bloomberg's postage bill was so high!

Big world of thanks: Mike [NYP]