It's been a very busy Oprah week, between the Obama victory, her much-hyped appearance on last night's 30 Rock as (spoiler alert) a sleep-aid-induced hallucination at 30,000 feet, and, of course, her ongoing supervision at the Oprah Winfrey Favorite Thing Research Institute in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, where the rigorous testing of alpaca foot warmers and self-battering waffle makers never ends. Somehow, she still manages to find time to tape her flagship show, though that occasionally requires some creative scheduling—particularly when your guest is Brad Pitt. On the show yesterday for an episode scheduled to air Nov. 18th, one half of the kiddie-wrangling global phenomenon known as Brangelina sat down for a lengthy Oprahside chat to promote The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. These Boots Are Made For Stalking penetrated the taping, and share every Pax-peeing anecdote and nervous, off-camera Pitt-fidget:

Oprah acknowledged to Brad that Angelina is the love of his life and she asked if this is the happiest he’s ever been. “Dare I say,” Brad said. “Dare I see,” Oprah said implying this is the happiest she’s seen him. Not surprisingly, Oprah also asked Brad if he wanted to have more children. “Probably,” he said. “It’s [parenthood] the greatest endeavor I’ve ever taken on. Why stop now?” He revealed that Shiloh is in a stage right where she will only respond to the names John and Peter! Ha! Pax, on the other hand, wasn’t so funny a while back when Brad put him in timeout and he rebelled by peeing on the timeout chair. Brad noticeably closed up when a woman asked him a question about his tattoos via an O satellite. He refused to visibly expose or even talk about any of them. He said that it was a personal matter and recommended that the audience members share the experience of getting a tattoo with someone they love. Overall, we have to say that the interview was definitely a little awkward at first especially when Angelina was initially brought up. During the commercial breaks there were awkward silences and Brad fidgeted in his seat a lot too. “It seems like he has ADD, because he’s antsy and has to move around a lot,” as one fellow audience member put it.

We suppose we might have some inkling why Pitt would feel so protective about his permanent Brangelina tribal markings, seeing as freedom of body adornment is one of his pet causes. Also discussed was his W photography portfolio, in which he sought to challenge Jolie's "femme fatale" image by capturing her in a variety of more down-to-earth, half-eaten-hamburger poses. All in all, it sounded like a riveting hour, and we'll be glued not just to it but to the Oxygen Oprah: After the Show to see if Jennifer Aniston calls in to ask if her name came up, and what his face was doing if it did.