The president elect's wonkish new chief of staff is former Clinton aide Rahm Emanuel. On this morning's This Week With George Stephanopoulos, the media began its love affair with the swarthy Jew by asking him all the softball questions we have come to expect when former Clinton aides chit chat. Barack's relationship with the cute little guy began many years earlier. At a 2005 event hosted by Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy, Emanuel was on the receiving end of a roast from the president-elect. If we can't make good comedy out of Obama, we can at least be entertained by his jokes. Click for the video.The look of love in Rahm's face as his favorite Democratic rising star keeds around with him is priceless:

Bob Novak jokes just never get old, nor does Obama's knowledge of Entourage. Pareene explained the story behind one of the jokes here.