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Did you hear what Prince William did earlier this week? He threw on a hoodie and pretended he was homeless for a night, camping out under a bridge in London so he could see what "life on the streets" is really like:

Prince William has spent a night sleeping rough to understand the plight of the homeless at Christmas. He stayed out in temperatures as low as minus 4c, lying in a central London alleyway surrounded by wheelie bins. The Prince, patron of the charity Centrepoint, said he was trying to 'do his bit' to help the vulnerable.

It's unclear how spending a night doing this actually helped London's homeless population. (And the prince wasn't in any danger, since he had a bodyguard who accompanied him.) But hopefully that won't stop New York City's similarly out of touch royal leader from following suit. We've even mocked it up for him, so he can get an idea of what it will be like! See below.

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