Beyoncé gets to keep her Amex card. Yahoo Canada employees have been ordered to turn theirs in. And for transpo, they won't get taxi chits anymore. See you on the bus! Here's the full internal email:

From: Sachi Kittur [] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:22 AM To: Subject: AMEX corporate cards and Taxi Chits Use of Taxi Chits: In addition to our recent halt of pre-paid transportation services, please note that effective immediately, we will no longer be using taxi chits. These changes will allow us to institute better controls as we try to streamline our approvals and tracking of corporate expenditures. We ask that all employees simply expense any business related transportation expenses as per our expense policy guidelines. Taxi chits will now reside with HR so if you have any extra-ordinary circumstances that justify their use (ie. client visit etc), please come and see HR. Corporate AMEX cards: Keeping in line with our goal of ensuring better cost controls across our business, we have decided to significantly reduce the use of our AMEX corporate cards. Effective immediately, ALL employees (with the exception of senior management team or newcomers that don't have any credit history ) that currently have a corporate card will no longer be eligible to use these and will be asked to return these cards into HR over the next 2 week period. For those of you that are impacted, a reminder that you will be responsible for clearing up any outstanding balances so please ensure that any expenses owing are submitted into AP immediately. If there are any extra-ordinary circumstances that warrant access to a corporate card for frequent business expenditures, please speak to HR/Finance and we will work out an alternate arrangement. Thanks in advance for your support and cooperation. Best regards, Sachi Sachi Kittur I Senior HR Manager I Yahoo Canada I 207 Queens Quay West Suite 801 Toronto M5J 1A7 416.687.xxxx M: 416.500.xxxx IM: xxxx