Four disembodied right feet washed up on the shores of British Columbia (which is in Canada) between August of last year and this summer. Then a left foot washed up. Then another right foot washed up, but that was a hoax. Apparently we missed a foot or two because number seven has just made it to the banks of the Fraser River in Richmond, B.C.. This one is a left foot, wearing a New Balance sneaker, which means it might be a match for one of the right feet. The foot was found by a local city council candidate! "I poked it with a stick. I didn't want to touch it. It was really hard material inside the shoe. I picked it up and put it in a bag and it was very heavy," he said. The Mounties say there's no specific evidence of foul play but hey guys, seven disembodied human feet have washed up on land. [CBC]