Learning to Walk Is the Latest Need You Never Knew You Had

Do you shuffle through your day, dragging your feet and looking at the ground? Or do you practice your runway-model walk on the streets, prancing like a pony while maintaining a sexy glare? You're DOING IT RONG! Breaking: nobody knows how to walk properly. As the NYT Styles reports, if you're a precious, granola-obsessed, anal-retentive gentrifier, it's probably for the best if you pay someone money to teach you how to properly put one foot in front of the other. See, we were hoping that the recession would eliminate inanities such as these. But that is why the Styles section exists: to provide a way to spend money they otherwise would not know what to do with.
"Last January, Ms. Wu and her husband, Rob Gilson, signed up for private walking classes with Jonathan FitzGordon, a yoga teacher and owner of Yoga Center of Brooklyn.
During 10 sessions over about seven months, Mr. FitzGordon trained her to walk with her feet parallel, her weight evenly distributed and her body aligned."
Two things: if I ever sign up for walking classes with my husband/boyfriend, please proceed to 210 Elizabeth and shoot me. Secondly: the posture-correcting Alexander Technique, which isn't mentioned in this article, is generally good for everybody—especially actors and dancers—unless you take it too seriously and become obsessed with posture. Walking lessons from fruity yoga teachers in brownstone Brooklyn, however? This is New York, baby—if you can't walk, that's just natural selection trying to tell you something.