Treacly Obama Worship To Save Magazines

How long can the dying print media ride the feel-good Obama victory wave? Forever and ever and ever! Or at least another month, maybe. The effect on newspapers was only one day long (and for as long as they can sell reprints of that issue—six months?), but magazines are just starting to take their share of the American Dream, which is to pimp out our hopeful new black president for every last dollar his likable young ass can generate. Ready to pay extra for a thin, hastily assembled package of glossy photos and sickeningly reverent journalistic pablum? Sure you are!:
"Newsweek is set to publish a special issue dedicated to Obama’s win. The 84-page issue, hitting newsstands today, will carry a $7.95 cover price and remain on sale until February, 2009. 'We wanted to do a standalone issue that celebrates this historic moment in American history and the American presidency,' said Newsweek editor Jon Meacham, who calls the issue 'a keepsake.'"
Everyone who still has a commemorative 1992 "Clinton Elected" issue of US News & World Report, just hang on to it. These things only get more valuable. [Folio]