It's still unclear what the big "bombshell" involving David Paterson is. Or if there's one at all. Or when the New York Times plans to publish the story that has had politicos buzzing for days. But that didn't stop the governor from lashing out at his political rivals and members of the media yesterday.

In an interview with the AP, Paterson called the rumormongering "callous and sleazy"; denied charges he's been involved with women other than his wife (not including that affair he had about a few years back); claimed he hasn't used drugs since his early 20s (he's admitted to doing coke "a couple of times" when he was 22 or 23); and fended off charges he's been living it up since moving into the executive mansion in Albany nearly two years ago (he says he's only eaten out five times since becoming governor).

Paterson is now looking to plug the leaks that have led to the embarrassing rumors in recent days. (He transferred out 10 State Police troopers who were assigned to his security detail last week.) And he's continuing to do damage control, even though it's unlikely to get him very far, since by all accounts his credibility has suffered irreparable damage thanks to the sex and drug rumors that have been swirling as well as his recent decision to award the contract to run the Aqueduct casino to a group of investors led by his pal friend Rev. Floyd Flake.

But give the man points for trying! He's reportedly meeting with editors at the Times today "in hopes of heading off a damaging story."

Furious gov: I've been sexploited [NYP]
Gov. Paterson written off by experts, pols as he fends off rumors of sexual, political scandal [NYDN]